About Warren
For the past 30 years Warren have specialised in postural assessment and work place injury in his work as a physical therapist. He owns and operates a rehabilitation clinic treating soft tissue injury and pain during this time.

Remedial Massage Therapist
Did you know that sitting at your desk for prolonged periods is a static posture? And that has the potential to result in many musculoskeletal disorders if not managed?
I have trained in and practiced for many years in repairing and resolving numerous musculoskeletal soft tissue injuries due to bad posture and poorly designed computer workstations.
For the past 30 years I have treated clients with significant neck and shoulder injuries; lower back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, migraine and many other related conditions. Due to constant work in front of a computer. My field of expertise is soft tissue therapy and rehabilitation.
So with this experience behind me I wanted to set about creating a good posture page for people who suffer from neck, shoulder and back pain.
The page is not only for those who work in an office space but importantly for those who work at home and outside and who may not understand how bad posture can damage your health.
Don’t forget that poor postures can be adopted at home too and not just in the workplace… So here are a few good work practices which can significantly reduce musculoskeletal injury and risk: If you work at a computer make sure your workstation is set up to suit your individual needs.
Get up from your desk at least every 30-60 minutes and move around. Avoid prolonged static postures. Breathe deeply to get more oxygen to your muscles.
Have a good working posture and maintain the natural curves of your back when seated (i.e. no slouching).
Vary your work tasks. Break up long periods of continuous computer use by performing small tasks/errands.
Strive to change any poor postural habits when sitting.
I hope you have enjoyed this page, I will be posting relevent articles and reviews, as well as providing a full range of stretching exercises that will help overcome many of the injuries and conditions I treat on a daily basis.
The importance of maintaining correct posture at work is vital to your wellbeing. Being mindful of how you position yourself at work along with spending a small amount of time each day to exercise and stretch your muscles has benefits that will last a lifetime.

It will reduce upper and lower back pain by merely standing in a more balanced way. And increase your flexibility, strength, and Range of movement.

““Good” posture is critical to reducing abnormal muscle contraction, spasm, and strain on your muscles, bones, joints, and ligaments.

By increasing blood and oxygen circulation, improved muscle structure will occur, and the body will be able to utilize optimal energy levels preventing muscular fatigue.
Plan a Visit
Specialise in
- Deep Tissue Massage
- Trigger Point Therapy
- Myofascial Release Stretches
13 Belmont Road Berwick Victoria 3806
Call 0421 026 565 for an appointment