massage therapy

Massage therapy is a term that involves a wide variety of procedures and methods of pressing and massaging muscles and other soft body tissues such as tendons, ligaments, and soft tissues.
The objective of massage therapy is to relax muscles while increasing blood and oxygen flow to the areas massaged and, therefore, to reduce contraction and pain.

There are many types of massage treatments; however, there are some that are most widely known

* The Deep Tissue Massage.

This technique combines deep strokes and pressure applied down into the muscles at the painful sites to break up knots and loosen tightness.

* The Trigger Point Massage.

Known as the Pressure Point Massage, it focused on specific myofascial trigger points. The aim is to resolve painful knots that formed in muscles and also relieve symptoms in isolated areas.

* The Swedish Massage.

This system utilizes oblong, smooth strokes, kneading, and friction of the muscles as well as the movement of the joints to increase their range of motion and flexibility.

* The Shiatsu Massage.

Rhythmic pressure, tapping, squeezing, and rubbing along the meridian and on various other parts of the body, the main objective of this Eastern massage therapy is to enhance the flow of fundamentally vital energy called gi. And this energy is believed to be the life force that regulates a person’s spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical wellness that is easily affected when subjected to the rival forces of yin and yang.

* No massage therapy should ever be used in place of regular or ongoing medical care.

* Massage therapy should not excuse postponing visiting a medical professional for existing medical issues.

* The massage therapist’s schooling and credentials must be verified as well as his or her experience with specific health and medical conditions.
* Any additional complementary alternative medicine (CAM) such as herbs, supplements, special diets, or other treatments that are suggested by the massage therapist must first be reviewed with a medical professional.

* Massage therapy (how it works and why) studied for years and continues to be reviewed, it remains within the realm of a mystery.

* If and when massage therapy performed by excellent training and experienced professionals, there be temporary pain or discomfort.

* Deep vein thrombosis
* A bleeding disorder or when taking blood thinners
* Damaged blood vessels
* Weakened bones from osteoporosis, a recent fracture or cancer
* The presence of high body temperature
* Open or healing wounds, tumors, damaged nerves, an infection, severe inflammation or fragile skin
* Pregnancy
* Heart problems
* Dermatomyositis or any other skin disease
* History of physical abuse

Massage Therapy Vs. Chiropractic Care

If you are anything like me, you probably prefer staying away from providers of conventional Western medicine as much as possible, and I cannot say that I blame you. Although I have full medical coverage for that “you never know when you might need it” time of my life, I have not seen any of my Blue Cross doctors in well over ten years, and I hope to continue not seeing them for the rest of my life.
Please do not understand me and think that I am some sort of superhuman creature who never gets ill. I do have my weak moments of pain and sniffles just like everyone else, or at least everyone else who takes proper care of him or herself. So, when my body seems to need a boost, I visit one of my two favorite practitioners of alternative medicine.

I know that it all sounds straightforward and straight forward, but it is, in fact, somewhat challenging at times because I do not always know which one of these beautiful professionals to seek out. So, I often first opt to visit my chiropractor for an excellent therapeutic session of adjusting and aligning my skeletal structure and then, as a bonus to me and my only body, I also make an appointment with my massage therapist for some heavy digging and rubbing.

* Chiropractic Care

For the most part, chiropractic therapy focuses on the hard tissues such as the spine and other joints for adjusting and realignment. Chiropractors have some training in massage techniques, but that is never their first and foremost priority.
Chiropractors are authorized to make a medical diagnosis, order x-rays, or blood works.
They cannot prescribe conventional medications, but they can sell supplements or homeopathic remedies.
They do not need medical referrals to perform their job.

* Massage Therapy.

Massage therapists perform work on the soft body tissues such as the muscles, tendons, and ligaments.
They may not legally make a medical diagnosis, order x-rays, or any blood work.
They are not permitted to dispense medications of Western medicine, but they can and do provide or recommend alternative herbal remedies.
They do not require referrals from anyone to conduct their massage sessions.

Of course, as far as alternative medicine is concerned, one should not discount acupuncture and reflexology, for they too are beneficial in their extraordinary ways.